Thursday, April 11, 2013

Make Plants Work in a Small Apartment

 Did you know that it is easy to keep plants alive in a small apartment?  You can help your plants grow by just continuing your everyday routine?  A hot shower can add humidity in the air for plants.  Also your apartment is not a huge house, so you can remember to water the plants just by seeing them everyday.  Keep reading and check out Apartment Therapy for more decorating tips.

Plants can seem like the world's biggest joy or the world's biggest headache. They can make any house or apartment feel like home, but in a small space your options are a little more limited. 
I've lived in all different sizes of homes: houses, lofts — heck, even churches — but the thing that made any space feel like home was a plant or two. My current space is a postage stamp and, although I don't have floors filled with my favorite palms and large-leaved friends, I do have plants galore. Is your space small? Here are five reasons why it's more awesome!
    5 Bonuses To Keeping Plants When You Have A Small Space
  1. Humidity: Although many folks are okay with remembering to water their plants, many plants need additional humidty to look their best. In a small space it's easy to mist, or simply take warm showers, to fill the place with a little extra. 
  2. Use Your Walls: Even though the same options are open to those living in larger spaces, somehow it seems less scary to use your walls for hanging planters or wall planters. When it's your only option, you just do it instead of looking at 1,000s of pictures of them on Pinterest for months without pulling the trigger. 
  3. Light Control: Plants, and the light they receive, have a symbiotic relationship. In a smaller space, this is easier to control and see the exact light each one is getting. 
  4. Watering: When my environment was larger, the plants at the far ends of my home always seemed to suffer the most. My watering can would either run out, or I would simply forget. In a small space it's easy to flit around, water them all, and call it a day!
  5. Design: In a smaller space, you're much more aware of each and every thing in your home. Plants become art pieces and specific choices, instead of just something you got on sale or a friend handed down. Their pots are suddenly worth their designer prices as they've become show stoppers! 
Plants and small spaces go hand in hand if you're willing to add them in. Don't be scared! Do you have plant woes in your small spaces? Let us know below!


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